Transforming societies through sports!

“Learning through Sport” (LTS) is a trans-continental Capacity Building in the field of youth project that developed, tested and spread innovative sports tools, that build-up soft skills in the youth and helps societies prevent juvenile delinquency. The project is coordinated by Champions Factory LTD and is involving sport youth organisations from Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Bulgaria and Romania.

“Learning through Sport” has responded to the needs of all partner organisations and the youth we work with, alongside with national priorities of the represented in the project countries, the ERASMUS+ Priorities and Youth Policies of the EU.

“Learning through Sport” (LTS) is an 18-months trans-continental Capacity Building in the field of youth project that aims to develop, test and spread innovative sports tools, that build-up soft skills in the youth and helps societies prevent juvenile delinquency. The project is coordinated by Champions Factory LTD and is involving sport youth organisations from Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Romania.

“Learning through Sport” is created according to the needs of all partner organisations and the youth they work with, alongside with national priorities of the represented in the project countries, the ERASMUS+ Priorities and Youth Policies of the EU.

Throughout the project period we have organised various activities and have reached number of results!

“Champions Factory LTD” hosted the Kick-off meeting inFebruary 2019 in London (United Kingdom). The meeting allowed us to set-up the details regarding project management, successful implementation and local impact potential.

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job shadowing in Columbia

Job Shadowing took place in Columbia in April 2019. The International delegated learnt about the various sport methodologies used by GIP Colombia and how they  encourage youth development and to prevent juvenile delinquency through sports

The training course was held in Lima (Peru) in September 2019 where youth workers and youth leaders learnt how to provide youth people an alternative to crime through the medium of sport. BVBP has hosted youth workers from all partner organisations.

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Young people alongside youth leaders from each partnering organisation came together in Sao Paulo, Brazil in November 2019 to explore the innovative methodology “The path to solution” developed by Engajamundo Brazil.

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Evaluation Seminar

The project managers met online to evaluate the project progress and it’s success, as well as to work collaboratively towards new ideas. During the meeting we finalised the ”Learning through sports” Toolkit, Video tutorials, Research, Virtual training curricula, as well as discussed the project visibility, reporting and follow-up.

Evaluation Seminar Virtual Open Conference “Learning through Sport”

During this open conference there were members from all partner organisations, external bodies, relevant NGOs, Civil society organisations, Youth Workers Public bodies representatives etc. The project results were discussed, the local impact was shared by the youth workers of the partner organisations, as well as future joint initiatives have been planned.

Over the course of the 18 months, various activities have been organized

Venue: London (United Kingdom) with Hosting organisation “Champions Factory LTD”.
Dates: 7-10 February 2019.
Participants: Project leaders and one youth workers with fewer opportunities from each organization.

job shadowing in Columbia

Job Shadowing will take place in Columbia from 8-18 April 2019.Participants will learn about the various sport methodologies used by BVBP to encourage youth development and to prevent juvenile delinquency.

A training course will be held in Lima, Peru from 3-13 September 2019where youth workers and youth leaders will learn how to provide youth people an alternative to crime through the medium of sport.

Young people alongside youth leaders from each partnering organization will come together in Amazon, Brazil from 2-11 December.

The project is coordinated by Champions Factory LTS and is involving sport youth organizations from Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Romania.

The project is coordinated by Champions Factory and is involving sport youth organizations from Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Romania.

Over the course of the 36 months, various capacity building activities have been organised.

Over the course of the 18 months, various activities have been organized

Meet the team behind Learning Through Sport project

Shirin Amin

Director of Champions Factory

Didar Amin

President of Champions Factory

Alex Goteva

Champions Factory

The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Champions Factory and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

Meet the team behind Learning Through Sport project

Shirin Amin

Director of Champions Factory

Didar Amin

President of Champions Factory

Alex Goteva

Champions Factory